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Stock Up on Gem City Gear – March 2013

Sale March 2013Could you use some Gem City gear?  Who couldn’t! Check out our pro shop specials for the month of March.

  • Buy a Gem City t-shirt and get a car decal for free!

  • Buy a Gem City hooded sweatshirt or zip up and receive 20% off a second!

March Pizza Fun Night

Gem City will host its next pizza fun night on Friday, March 22 from 6:30 to 9:30. There’s even going to be an Easter egg hunt. $12 members, $15 non-members.

*A parent or guardian must be present to sign a waiver.

PFN Easter

Level 4 Girls Finish Strong at St. Louis Classic

Gem City proudly congratulates our level 4 girls on their strong  performance!

Gem City's level 4 gymnastics team receives their trophy at the St. Louis Classic meet. | Photo by Cinda Barnes

Gem City’s level 4 gymnastics team receives their trophy at the St. Louis Classic meet. | Photo by Cinda Barnes

St. Louis Classic logo 2013
We’re so proud of our level 4 team. They earned a 111.75 for 2nd place at the St. Louis Classic this past weekend! They were only beat .55 points. Their performance was exceptional, especially considering the large number of other quality athletes at the meet.

They all really put in the time and hard work need to excel at the gym. Keep up the good work!

March 2013 Newsletter

Here’s our newsletter for March 2013. You’ll find the latest on our next Pizza Fun Night, a tuition reminder, a note on our next scheduled closing, and more!

2013 March-Newsletter

WGEM Films Athlete Profiles


WGEM filmed athlete profiles in preparation for the AAU Illinois State Tumbling Champion, which Gem City will host this May. It will be the second time our gym and the Quincy community hosted the state competition. The athlete profiles will air in the spring as the date of the competition approaches.2013-AAU-State

How We Begin Every Saturday Morning!

A little fun throwing with the cheer squad this morning! We ♥ tossing people above our heads and to the ceiling. And, this is how we begin every Saturday morning–with cheer squad practice!

If you’re interested in Gem City’s cheer squad be on the lookout for information in March!

Gem City Competes at Huge Edwardsville Tumbling Meet

On February 9th and 10th Gem City competed at the Tumbling & Trampoline Winter Circus meet. It was hosted by the YMCA of Edwardsville. It was a great meet that ran ahead of schedule. We really loved this. This was especially impressive considering over 900 athletes competed! Needless to say the competition was fierce, but we fared well.

Scroll dow to read the results. Oh! As an added bonus you’ll find a video of one of Mick Bramlett’s passes below! Enjoy.

Results Tumbling & Trampoline Winter Circus meet 
Maggie Schutte: 4th – 38.8
Ryan McElroy: 2nd – 24.1
Abbey Redd: 3rd – 37.0
Leslie Dhom: 1st – 37.5
Carey Rodas: 5th – 35.6
Kobi Cookson: 7th – 34.7
Jaden Essig: 6th – 36.0
Reagan Smyser: 1st – 37.6
Bella Soltwedel: 6th – 35.4
Emily Lennox: 8th – 33.0
Mick Bramlett: 1st – 35.8
Kadence Haskins: 4th – 35.2
Olivia Brown: 6th – 35.8
Shelby Turgeon: 7th – 33.6
Kennady Fleer: 5th – 32.5
Katelyn Nelson: 8th – 35.6

A Strong Showing at Champaign, IL Meet

Top Star Training Center hosted the meet in Champaign, Illinois.

This past Sunday, January 13, the Gem City tumbling team competed at large invitational meet in Champaign, Illinois. 

Our Gem City athletes did great! This meet is one of the biggest meets of the season with over 700 competitors in attendance and many other strong tumbling programs represented. Needless to say, we’re proud of their performance.

Please read the results below to find out how individual athletes placed.

Double Mini 

Name Level Score Place
Dawson Nash Sub Advanced 57.30 1st Place
Zachary Naughton Sub Advanced 55.30 1st Place
Mick Bramlett Sub Advanced 56.00 3rd Place
Olivia Brown Novice 34.80 7th Place


Name Level Score Place
Reagan Smyser Sub Novice 37.00 1st Place
Brianna Barnes Novice 36.60 1st Place
Zachary Naughton Sub Advanced 1st Place
Dawson Nash Advanced 35.90 1st Place
Mick Bramlett Advanced 33.70 2nd Place
Maggie Schutte Sub Advanced 37.90 2nd Place
Audrey Kaufman Novice 33.00 2nd Place
Emily Lennox Novice 31.40 2nd Place
Isabella Soltwedel Sub Novice 36.60 2nd Place
Madelyn Frericks Sub Novice 36.80 2nd Place
Abbey Redd Sub Novice 36.90 2nd Place
Sierra Nash Intermediate 35.00 5th Place
Ashley Leonard Novice 32.90 7th Place
Olivia Brown Sub Novice 34.40 7th Place

**Psst… We like to include photos in our blog posts. Send your photos or videos to gemcitytumbling (at) if you ever want it shared here on our blog or tag us on Facebook. Please note that both our blog and Facebook are public.


January Open Gym

OPEN GYM this Friday, January 11, 2013! 6:30-8:30 $7 for members, $10 for non-members. Ages 4-14. Parent must be present to sign waiver. PIZZA, SODA, CANDY, GAMES, & FUN! Bring your siblings, friends, or neighbors!

January 2013 OpenGym-Winter