All Star Squads Finish Season Strong in Kansas City

Earning their highest score of the season, Gem City’s Senior All Star Squad won their last invitational of the season! The Junior Squad also performed their highest score of the season, hitting their routine with zero deductions and winning second place.

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Level Up with Gem City: Cheer Clinics & Open Workouts

Whether you’re an all-star cheer veteran and would just like some extra practice time or you’ve never done anything “cheer” in your life, come and workout with us! We’ll be holding these on on three Saturday’s: April 23, 30 and May 7 from 10:15 am to 12:15 pm.

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Junior Cheer Squad Headed to Nationals

Gem City’s junior all-star cheer squad, the Gem City Diamonds earned a qualifying score for Nationals at their first competition of the season in Indianapolis. The girls will attend the National competition April 2-3 in Kansas City.

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Senior Spotlight: Khloee & Madison

We are so excited to congratulate two of Gem City’s seniors- Khloee Hinton and Madison Hochgraber. They both graduated in December at the end of the semester. Both of these young ladies will continue practicing and competing on their competitive teams through the end of the traditional school year, but we wanted to give them a shout-out on a job well done now!

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